ProteoCure workshop on “Network opportunities for Funding and collaboration”

On October 30th, 2023, ProteoCure a workshop / webinar to present and discuss the possibilities for collaborative funding under Horizon Europe. This workshop included presentations by Marina MARTINEZ, Horizon Europe Programme Officer (CDTI
SOST-Brussels, Directorate of European Programmes and Regional Cooperation) and by ProteoCure members who shared their experience in participating in EU-funded projects:

  • Rune MATTHIESEN, WG2 Leader, ProteoCure. Coordinator of EVCA, European Call Twinning 2020
  • Rosa BARRIO, Grant Awarding Coordinator, ProteoCure. Coordinator of COST Proteostasis and ITN program UPSTREAM
  • Manuel S. RODRIGUEZ, Science communication co-leader, ProteoCure, Coordinator of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action ubiCODE
  • Makis ZOIDAKIS, WG1, ProteoCure, Coordinator of ELMUMY project, HORIZON.2.1 – Health
  • Olivier COUX, Chair, COST ProteoCure

The presentations can be downloaded here.

The workshop has been prepared by a questionnaire sent to all ProteoCure members whose results can been downloaded here.

Many thanks to Cristina RAJO (CIPF, Valencia, Spain), Grant Holder Manager of ProteoCure, for the organization of the workshop !