Call for travel grants to attend the 3rd proteocure annual meeting

ProteoCure will provide travel grants for members of ProteoCure laboratories to attend the 3rd ProteoCure Annual Meeting in Warsaw, 7-10 May 2024:

Call application deadline: 15 March 2024

Approval of proposals: 3 April 2024

To apply, please follow the instructions below.

1. Conditions for applicants
– Applicants must be part of a ProteoCure member laboratory, clinic, or industry.
– Applicants should be registered and have an active role in the meeting, i.e. presenting a poster or short talk or being selected for an oral presentation.  
– Priority will be given to Young Researchers and Innovators (Less than 40 years old by COST definition), then to participants from ITC/NNC countries, and taking into account gender balance.
– Priority will be given to applicants who demonstrate financial need and would otherwise be unable to attend the event without financial support.
– Procedure for reimbursement will be initiated after the meeting and is indicated in the attached Travel Grants Guidelines.
Important: Check the attached Travel Grants Guidelines and follow the indications.
2. Submission of the application
– Apply to the grant by sending the following information by email to annualmeeting(at) by March 15th. Indicate in the Subject of the email: “Application Grant Warsaw 2024
– Fill in and include in the email the attached Excel document.
– Attach to the email a confirmation of your registration to the meeting.
– Attach the Title and the Abstract that you submitted during the registration.
– Include an estimate of the expenses of the meeting, following strictly the indications as in the attached Travel Grants Guidelines:
    . Daily allowance (including accommodation, meals, and short distance travel) is paid as a lump-sum, and it has been fixed in 150€. Calculate the amount according to the day and hour of arrival and departure, as indicated in the guidelines.
    . Long distance travel costs will be calculated on face-value, including VAT. Please submit the real price of the tickets or a realistic estimate.

3. Selection of grantees
– The Scientific Committee will select the grantees among the applications received by the March 11th, based on scientific excellence and the priorities explained above.
– The selection should be revised and approved by the ProteoCure Core Group.
– Applicants will be communicated by email.
For questions on the application procedure or the Travel Grants Guidelines, please contact Laetitia Poidevin at proteocuregrantholder(at)
Looking forward to hearing from you!