June 2022

2 PhD positions in Kiel, Germany

The University of Kiel is offering 2 PhD positions in Biochemistryin the group of Prof. Dr. Christoph Becker-Pauly starting on October 1st, 2022. The group is embedded within the Collaborative Research Centre CRC877 and the Cluster of Excellence ‘Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation’ and has particular interest in the function of proteolytic enzymes. Our aim […]

2 PhD positions in Kiel, Germany Read More »

Amazing EMBO/ProteoCure meeting on Protein termini

The fantastic 2022 #Emboproteintermini meeting co-organized by ProteoCure has been held in the beautiful Bergen last June 8-11: 4 days on everything you ever wanted to know about the N-and C-termini of proteins and never dared to ask! An amazing opportunity for young researchers to discuss and exchange with world-leading experts in many outstanding fields

Amazing EMBO/ProteoCure meeting on Protein termini Read More »

Second call for STSMs

ProteoCure is launching its second STSM call. The call covers the second year funding period of the Action, i.e. Nov. 2022 – Oct 2023. Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs), are exchange visits between labs, to strengthen the network, foster collaborations, and share new techniques and infrastructure. The STSMs are mainly but not exclusively intended for young

Second call for STSMs Read More »

Carlos Galdeano Presented Proteocure in an event organized by the Gouvernment of Catalonia

Presentation of ProteoCure by Carlos Galdeano, in an event organized by the government of Catalonia to popularize COST. On Monday, May 30th, Carlos Galdeano, from the University of Barcelona, co-WG Leader of PROTEOCURE WG3, presented ProteoCure in an event organized by the government of Catalonia, aiming at introducing and popularizing COST in the research community.

Carlos Galdeano Presented Proteocure in an event organized by the Gouvernment of Catalonia Read More »

Great collaborative spirit at the First annual meeting of ProteoCure

The first annual meeting of the COST Action ProteoCure has been held in the beautiful city of Ljubljana, Slovenia, from the 17th to the 19th of May, 2022. This was the opportunity for 100 European scientists to meet in person and to learn about the new projects and the new developments (both in knowledge and in technology) in a friendly atmosphere.

Great collaborative spirit at the First annual meeting of ProteoCure Read More »

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