Christopher M Overall
Monday, April 22nd 2024, at 11:00 AM Paris
Protein TAILS tell remarkable Tales: Purification of original and neo-N protein termini reveals pervasive proteolytic processing in proteomes
Professor Chris Overall, is a Distinguished University Scholar of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, Canada Research Chair Laureate in Protease Proteomics and Systems Biology, a Yonsei Distinguished Scholar of Yonsei University, Korea, and was a Senior Fellow of the Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies, Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg, Germany, where he is an Honorary Professor. and the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (FCAHS) in 2005.
Dr. Overall completed his undergraduate and Master’s degrees at the University of Adelaide, Australia; his Ph.D. in Biochemistry at the University of Toronto; and was an MRC Centennial Fellow in his postdoctoral training with Dr. Michael Smith, UBC after which he launched his lab at UBC in 1993. His 308 papers are influential, with an h-index of 106. He is best known for his development of N-terminomic methodology for the identification of protein N and C termini. One application of this is the experimental identification of original, mature and neo-protein termini generated after proteolysis. He has applied these techniques to reveal new roles for proteases in immunity and disease, most recently in the COVID-19 pandemic, where he has mechanistically investigated the roles of SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro in cleaving >300 host cell substrates. He Chairs the HUPO Chromosome-centric Human Proteome Project (C-HPP), sits on the 1st Council of the p-Hub Global Proteomics Project, Guangzhou, China and is the recipient of numerous awards, e.g., Canadian National Proteomics Network Tony Pawson Award (2014); the Proteomass Scientific Society Award (2017); the 2018 international HUPO Discovery Award in Proteomics Sciences; and the 2022 Helmut Holzer Award
Link to join the webinar: https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/95273013490?pwd=dHZaaHN2R0dxNzhjZ1d4RFF2RXJpQT09
Hybrid event, you can attend online or on site: I2BC Auditorium, Bat 21, 1 avenue de la terrasse, Gif sur Yvette France