ProteoCure is launching a new STSM call. The call covers the second half of the third year funding period of the Action, i.e. until Oct 2024. Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs), are exchange visits between labs, to strengthen the network, foster collaborations, and share new techniques and infrastructure. The STSMs are mainly but not exclusively intended for young participants (researchers or innovators under the age of 40) such as PhD students and postdoctoral fellows. There is no limit in duration but STSM should end before September 30th, 2024. The grant is 4000€ maximum.
The STSM grant provides a crucial opportunity for colleagues in emergency situations, dealing with limited laboratory access. It provides support and resources to overcome challenges and pursue valuable research. Please, share this call with colleagues in difficult circumstances.
Application deadline: 15 February 2024
We kindly ask the grantees to share their experiences through interviews and/or by attending the next ProteoCure Annual Meeting, where they will have the opportunity to give a short oral description of their activities during their stay. This will allow us to learn from each other’s experiences and understand the benefits gained from these missions.
To Apply follow the instructions below.