125 participants at the EMBO Workshop “SUMOylation; from discovery to translation”, co-organized by ProteoCure

125 scientists came together at the Atlantic coast in Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal on 25-28 September 2023, to discuss the vibrant field of Small Ubiquitin-like Modifiers. Topics covered included: SUMO machinery and mechanisms, SUMO condensate dynamics, transcription, chromatin dynamics and cell fate identity, immunity, infection and senescence, genotoxic stress response and genome stability, proteotoxic stress response and proteome stability as well as targeting and exploiting SUMO networks in cancer and beyond. High points included two spirited poster sessions, excellent student and early career researcher talks and inspirational keynotes from Anne Dejean (Institut Pasteur), Hugues de Thé (Collège de France), Ronald Hay (University of Dundee) and Michael Matunis (Johns Hopkins University). Overall, the meeting was notable for the outstanding networking opportunities, exciting science and a strong sense of community.